How odd, I ordered that one last night! I also ordered No 74, mainly for this article:
L'histoire compl�te du 280 sur chenilles, de 1918 � 1940
Annoyingly, no back�issue older than No 74 appears to be available, as it looks like a very interesting publication.
Eric, have you also looked at Steelmasters? Their back issues are available, and it's well worth checking the listing (I also ordered Steelmasters No 37, for the Kondensator atomic cannon article).
For anyone else curious, here is a link to their site (for some reason, Histoire de Guerre isn't on the home page - just click on�any publication�and the new page will have links to HdG on the left side of the screen):
In the n�75, there are a lot of old issue available to order. Let me know if you want to order some and if you have some trouble.
I plan to order also the n�74.
As far as I understand, they change their magasine from the issue 74. Before this one, I don't notice any WW1 subject. Reading their editorial, I think that the future issues will be very interesting for us WW1 nuts
All the best
On going : Obice da 305/17 su affusto de Stefano, Mark 1 female ...
Finished : Dennis 3 tons lorry, Jeffery Poplavko, Renault EG, Renault FT
As far as I understand, they change their magasine from the issue 74. Before this one, I don't notice any WW1 subject. Reading their editorial, I think that the future issues will be very interesting for us WW1 nuts
Eric, that is very promising news, thank you! And thank you for your offer of help. I'll see what's what when I receive 74 and 75 and see how it goes - but it (and Steelmasters)�definitely looks like something to keep an eye on.
Doubtless you have these already Eric, but if not (and for anyone else interested), I have, and recommend,�the following back issues of Steelmasters, which are still available:
No 17 Les Rolls Royce au Combat (nice 1/72 diorama with photos of the model and real thing; no plans, alas) Canon de 147A et tracteur lourd Fiat (Italie 1918) - splendid scratchbuilding! Perinelle-Dumay concept tank - sheer weirdness!
No 40 Mortier Schneider 280mm - fantastic 1/10 scratchbuild!