��Could anyone provide plans/general dimensions/pics of the LATIL TAR truck,�? �� Info on any version�would be appreciated�but specially in� the tank transporter variant. � Thank you in advance, ��EDUARDO MAMORETTI
�� I have quite a few good photo's of the Latil Tar Tractor, I will upload them tonight, I am at work at the moment. I think I have a few good drawings as well.�I scratchbuild one a good while back, I am also thinging about building one with the double set of tracks as well. �� I am not sure I have much on the Tank transporter version, But I will attach what I have.
All the Best Tim R
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
� Dear Tim & Eric, thank you very much(I would love a pic of your�Latil,Tim since as I have already told I greatly admire your skill!) The general idea is making it�transporting a�� scratchbuilt SCHNEIDER CA1� with aplique armor I have ready for painting. By the way, I am very grateful to ERIC because of the fine walk-around photos he provided to this site�s gallery.They were very inspirative! �As also I think the pics from the RIFF WAR�I attach to share whit you comrades. Thanks a lot, EDUARDO
� Dear Tim & Eric, thank you very much(I would love a pic of your�Latil,Tim since as I have already told I greatly admire your skill!) The general idea is making it�transporting a�� scratchbuilt SCHNEIDER CA1� with aplique armor I have ready for painting. By the way, I am very grateful to ERIC because of the fine walk-around photos he provided to this site�s gallery.They were very inspirative! �As also I think the pics from the RIFF WAR�I attach to share whit you comrades. Thanks a lot, EDUARDO
By the way, a new look on the pics led me to think the trucks are RENAULT HEAVY 4 X 4 Transporters, no way, I will take use from a Latil� if necesary since the dio is located in WW1and can�t see why not it could�nt pull a dolly-mounted tank? ah, more pics for You...
For my Schneider or FT17, I am waiting for the Knox tractor with La Buire trailer which will be released by Retrokit. I suggested this truck and they took my request into account
All the best
On going : Obice da 305/17 su affusto de Stefano, Mark 1 female ...
Finished : Dennis 3 tons lorry, Jeffery Poplavko, Renault EG, Renault FT
Here is one of the most detailed sites I have ever seen on the LATIL, unfortunately I have been unable to download photos or information from this site.
� Friends, �Attached you will find and interesting pic from the La Buire trailer, being pulled by...a� Schneider tractor, a rare bird based on the CA 1 reclicled for towing duties, by fitting it with a truck-like cab and of course a� rear box. Also included are �a Renault and a Latil fron the era. Tim!he link is superb! I could download the entire web page,very nice indeed. In a few hours I am flying to my long awaited holidays, in a week I hope I will be ready for sending�some pics�about the matter. Best regards, EDUARDO
Eduardo �� Thanks for the Schneider tractor photo, rare indeed. I have attached a few photos of my effert at the Latil, dont be to critical, I built it a good while back. any way I have also included some othe LATIL photo's. �� This is just part 1 All the best Tim R
Eduardo �� If you need more, I have plenty. I have looked for my drawings, but no luck yet. �� If you are interested in the Latil fitted with the chinellie track system let me know, I will email the photo's to you. I am currently working on an article on these tracks. All the best Tim R
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
Tim! thank you a lot for your kind contribution! I remember I read MAFVA bulletin published the plans...I�will search�in the index reference chapter in this very site. I am now about to climb to my plane,so I will be far away from any computer for a week! When I came back,I will be glad to check your reference about Latil-on-chenilles, besides I have several times tried to mail you before, but mails always bounced when used the e-adress provided in the forum. I will be happy to recieve news from you! Thank you again! pd.: Got more pics of the Scheneider�tractor��somewhere, promise to share with people at the forum soon.The latil is beatifull! you captured succesfully the complex lines of that hood/engine cover! a�goal !how you did?
Hello Eduardo Looking very much forward to see your Schneider. I'm quite fond of the CA1 and has been waiting for the announced Emhar kit for a few years now. When a kit is being mentioned being in the making I haven't the guts to start scratchbuilding. I'm afraid that the kit will be there before I can finish my own. (As it is even with my slow rate of building, I would probably have finished the Schneider by now - instead I'm still here waiting for the kit). I'm very interested in knowing more of your Schneider - what references did you use?
The Latil TAR is (or has been) available in 1:35 as a resin kit from Azimut, France.
I'm currently stil in the planning stages for my French Campagne locomotive on 600 mm. gauge. Have been too busy working to get started building. Hopefully thus will change soon.
��Claus! good to know about you...I am just now in the middle of my vacations in Argentinian Patagonia,�(few computers here) so I must wait until next week�for giving�You both Claus & Tim a better response.Thank you a lot for you interest!!
�Thanks you a lot for your fine contribution! As soon as I get bak home(next week) I will share any info about the subject( the place where I am now there are few computers, just lots of penguins,salmoon,snow and narrow gauge touristic railways. all the best, EDUARDO
� Dear Tim & Claus, � I�m back, and very grateful�to both you for�your kind interest. Found the images of the SCHNEIDER�� tractor based on the tank , nevertheless I could not uploap despite I�ve tried several times, not sure if has to do with the pics or any other �problem. I will send you bout via mail, because I am sure you will be interested. (Please Tim send me any e- adress.)! Besides I will show of my effort as soon as it is finished, but again and in advance thank you a lot for your assitance! EDUARDO
By the way, Those truck photos from the Riff War. Spain purchased 11 Renault FU 25 HAP and a Renault 18 HP. Anyone interesed on FT-17 action from Riff War to the Spanish civil War can consult an excelent study (profiles included) in SERGA magazine n� 30 and 31( unfortunately in spanish)