I've accumulated quite a bit of info (some of it quite contradictory) on flamethrowers. Many thanks to Eugene for info on Russian models - this filled a big hole. I've made a start on an article but there are some things I'd like to get a bit more clarity on before I continue. Also I've had a lot of files sent me by Tim but I can't read them when unzipped. I don't want to finish the article, read Tim's material and find I've got something wrong! so I'm waiting for info from Tim - nudge. In the meantime can anyone help on the following?
In Oct 1914 on the SE sector of the Western Front the German's made a flamethrower attack on French positions. This appears to have been a trench to trench attack using semi static flamethrowers. This predates Hooge often cited as the first use of flamethrowers by about 9 months (there actually appear to have been other attacks in the months before Hooge) and was probably the first in WW1 (a flamethrower was actually first used during the communard uprising in Paris in 1871). Does any one have any info on this Oct 1914 attack in the shape of the location and the make of the flamethrower ? (I already have info on the performmance and endurance of the equipment).
The French appear to have had patents for back pack throwers in early 1915 and possibly as early as sometime in 1914. These appear to have been the basis for the British Hays flame thrower. Does anyone have any info on these patents?
Does anyone have any info on the French Schilt Mk 1 and 2 large static flamethrowers? (I have plenty on the later Schilt back pack throwers and when they were used in action)