� Gentlemen, �I think you all will agree on�that Vickers A1E1 Independent is a badly neglegted modelling subjet (if I am not wrong�there is no kit� from any resin model make). The Vickers A1E1�could be considered special amongst�others landship- type-design that rise from WW1 ideas since we find�on it�s design�technical elements which would be�incorparated in later, more modern�post� WW1 War and even WW2 afv�s�( the style of the tracks, the idea of incorporate cast parts to the structure,�to increase fire power by using several turrets,etc. )� Though, may� be because the Nbfz was indeed "used in action" (mostly in minor engadgements and for propanganda duties),�while the A1E1 ended as a single prototype,� general interest seem to be focused on the german vehicule. I am particulary interested in modelling the A1E1 so I have collected some photos �I would gladly share in case of anyone of you are interest in , but I� still want to get an decent set of drawings. Any source will be welcome. Thank you in advance, EDUARDO