I finally got a start on converting the Entex Rolls "Balloon Car" into a 1914 patter armoured car.� Here are a coupleof webcam shots of the progress I've made on the body.
Thanks, Nailcreek. If you're of a mind to do it, Bandai has re-released the Balloon Car kit (for half or what I paid for the Entex release on eBay, of course). It looks like the biggest challenge isn't going to be the body, but making the dual real wheels, and rebuilding the rear axle and suspension, which was redesigned for 1912. Fortunately, detailed drawings of a later model Ghost chassis can be found at http://www.rrec.co.uk/website/public/thecars/How%20a%20Car%20Works.asp
Great finds on the web sites! I've a few of the Entex/Bandai kits waiting for attention as well!� I'm glad they're going to re-release them.� Perhaps they'll offer some spare trees/tires???� We can hope!
The rear of the chassis is were the most work takes place - I agree.� You have to make up a new set of rear springs.� Will you use plastic card or brass?
The rear wheels/tires are a little more problematic.� The rear wheel was more complex than just two wheels/tires bolted together.� The rear wire wheel was actually a single unit, mounting twin tires.� I have a cross-section drawing of the wheel somewhere - I'll try and get it scanned and posted to my msn group.� http://groups.msn.com/RAFArmdCarCompanies
I'm still figuring out how to approach some of these problems, but seeing as how a single stripof material is going to be connecting the axle to a fairly large model. and Evergreen styrene is pretty floppy at anything like a scale thickness, I'm thinking that brass is the way to go for the rear springs, at least for the bottom leaves. It would be nice if Bandai offered extra sets of wheels. I know I can think of a few uses for 1/16 scale Rudge,-Whitworth wheels. As it is, the plan is try and cast some extra sets in resin. I'll certainly be looking forward to seeing those drawings on your group.
OK ... finally! I've posted some scans from an issue of "Bulbhorn" from 1978 which shows a cross-section of the rear wire wheels for the 1914 Pattern car ...
One of the scans also shows the rear detail of a burnt out car - good stuff for building.