Hi � I've not been here for a while but I thought I would post the link Ive just seen over at ML�� its a Russian site but scroll down for the pictures.
I knew of a restoration project but I hadn't seen this detail before. I wish I could read Russian (the only Russian I ever learnt was some toasts, at least I hope thats what they were, at a very boozy reception at the Soviet embasy in Cyprus). Can any one translate? Does any one know if the green paint job is original? Is that an R plane nose section amongst the photos? What is the sub? - it has a Holland boat llok about it.
The submarine is most likely a Soviet Delta class nuclear missile boat (note the humped shape behind the conning tower/sail, and the open missile tube hatches); the R-plane nose section is the top of a Delta's conning tower/sail; compare with this photo of a Delta: