� Does anyone know if there are any drawings available of the Sizaire - Berwick Armoured� Car� (Wind Car)?. Thank you in advance to anyone who may answer. ����������������������������������������������������� Kindest regards, ����������������������������������������������������� Don.
Don't know of any plan drawings, but there are a couple of illustrations in "Tanks and other Armoured Fighting Vehicles 1900-1918" by B>T> White, including a front on view.
Hello TC, Thank you for the reply,I will try to obtain the book. I understand that the radiator on Sizaire- Berwick cars was very much like that on the Rolls Royce, so much so that they were sued by Rolls Royce who lost the case because they had not registed a patent and Sizaire-Berwick had done so, so maybe the radiator from a similar vintage Rolls Royce could be used. Kindest regards, Don.