I just received some drawings from Hubert Cance, amongst them, the armoured car White 1918, the Minerva ...... They are very interesting. His site : http://www.hubertcance.com/home
All the very best
On going : Obice da 305/17 su affusto de Stefano, Mark 1 female ...
Finished : Dennis 3 tons lorry, Jeffery Poplavko, Renault EG, Renault FT
Is that the man who did the illustrations for "Batailles & Blindes"? - If so, the accuracy should be counter-checked; I remember the A7V-drawings, which all were wrong some way or the other...
The Aubriot Gabet was a new one on me, but it turns out to be a remote-controlled "land torpedo" like the American Wickham and the German Goliath of WWII.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
There's a photo of the wheeled Aubriot-Gabet thing in Jeudy's 'Chars de France'.
Hubert Cance's drawings appear in the magazine 'Batailles & Blindes'. I've seen his series on early British projects such as Crompton's machines and Sueter's Pedrail published in 'Batailles & Blindes' in 2006�(http://www.batailles-blindes.com/chars_anglais.htm), and they look remarkably similar to Dick Harley's drawings of the same subjects�in 'Tankette' published in the early 1980s.
Sorry. The Land Torpedo doodad is a different thing from the two armoured vehicles, although designed by the same team. Beg pardon.
Btw, the drawings here http://www.batailles-blindes.com/chars_anglais.htm�are fantastic, especially the Lincoln No. 1 and Crompton's E.D. machines. Anyone know if they are�educated guesses or based on existing drawings?
-- Edited by James H at 18:06, 2008-01-06
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.