�Again a bit off topic, but this true descendant from the early landships,�a scratchbuilt PB 4 Rusian armored amphibious car (prototype) is nevertheless an interesting idea for being commented.� Of course it had a welded structure, ( was among the very first vehicules which abandoned the riveted armor in favour of more modern building techniques). Hope You enjoy my modest effort. Best regards, EDUARDO
Thank You gentlemen, the story of this odd is more less as follows,
Being built in�1933 the� PB-4, armed with a sort of� T-26-like-tank turret was produced�in small numbers between�1933-1934 Plavajushi Broneavtomobil (floating armored car) stands for the designation "PB". � It was based� on Ford-Timken 6x4 chassis , and fitted with a screw propeller�plus two side pontoons, filled with cork.�Despite PB-4 was a��efficient� as a floating device its power and cross-country�capacity�was poor. I chose the odd-looking beastie for the third part of my "saga" of armored cars� the�second one��, the BA 27, still resist to our�struggle with a good paint finish, so after a few attemps more with a bit of luck I hope to share the images.
Good Ironsides & Tim, Thank you, and yes is 1/35; mostly plastic card with a�two-component epoxi� putty made water , formed to water waves by using a gently-wet on water mouseball(...).Next if (thirt attemp, two previous failures when painting) the�finished BA27 and a german WW1 arty piece Lafettenheini and me keep in secret as a� little surprise.(He helped a lot!) People in this forum is great...
Eugene, very kind of You. Indeed i did not know about this 1-35 model, by the way I was thinkng of scratchbuilding one some day, so thank You for warning me!. It would necesary to check this model�s cualities� from any intenet review. Nevertheless one must salute any make who advances on the almost ignored field of early armor.... Best Regards, EDUARDO
Hi Ed , Eugene , Ironsides , Roger,Richard, Tim.....
Yes these ignored field of early armor ! I can promise all that your mouths will stand very wide wide open if you see what Eduardo is cooking in his modell master kitchen. At 39� celsius i thougt he must cook himself -and then modelling water-ground for his amphibious armoured car -admireable. To you- dear Eugene - can you show a picture of the T-18 kit you tould from ? i don't even know something from it even from "aer " or is it the shortence of aeromedells ? Back to early armor - hope i my new " beast" is ready in the next 3 days - Eduardo -keep quiet ! The only sign i will tell here : it may be interesting to all " Old Americans " and it is a little bit out of topic -but it put the ground for the "trench war" at WW I . I hope having enough welding electrodes to finish it
Best regards to all
Steel can be helpful - you have only to bring it into the "right form "
Ah, we reached more than 40 Celcius before temperature falled down-(global heating,� a true in advance-) Looking forward to see your "old american" Eduardo
Excellent job, Eduardo! By the look of the river waters, it seems like the amphibious vehicle visited the Rio de la Plata or even the Paran�! What an autonomy!