Hi all: If you look on Ebay.de and search under Panzer with the selection of "neu eingestellt" (newly listed), and check each day, you'll occasionally find something like the attached, a rare shot of a CA1 converted to recovery vehicle in the 1920s and captured on a rail flat in 1940. It must have been but one of a handfull left in 1940, and seeing as it is in company with an FT17, one can assume it was part of the regimental workshops for an FT17 unit. Does any one out there know how many were so converted and how many were with which units? I have also found a number of First World War postcards and photos on Ebay.de, it is worth checking every single day. regards,
Here is a better photo I have of the same picture mp provided, Mark is correct, you can just see the nose of a second {Char de rétablissement Schneider}, I am unsure if this is its correct name, I got it out of a 1925 book entitled {Chars de combat 1918-1922} by Gerard Merose. If any one has more information on this particular vehicle, I would appreciate the info.
Todays catch is: http://cgi.ebay.de/Foto-AK-Panzer-1-WK-evtl-Mark-V-England-um-1915_W0QQitemZ360087272984QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item360087272984&_trkparms=39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A10%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 It shows a MkIV Female named Eve, knocked out on the battlefield, so likely from E Battalion, RTC. Check it out!
Hi All, can anyone give a date for the first use of the CA1 as a recovery vehicle.... was it actually used during the great war as such.... I believe a number were used for supply purposes as well....
Hello there, in "Chars de France" by Jean-Gabriel Jeudy ( a good book indeed) there is some info on this but as my copy is packed away (I'm finishing the basement and my hobby room is not yet built) I cannot check it. Does anyone out there have a copy to check? As far as I remember the French Army received some MkV* tanks in 1919 from Britain, pending production of the Char 2C. When the MkV* were received the CA1 tanks still in use by the French Army were withdrawn (along with the remaining St Chamonds). The CA1s were rebuilt as recovery tractors with their armoured bodies removed. There may have been a few dozen of them, but I doubt that numbers would have allowed for more conversions than that. I do not know what happened to the few St Chamond types once decommissioned as gun tanks. The thing to bear in mind was that both the CA1 and St Chamond were present in small numbers at war's end. I seem to remember that even the MkV* saw some service as a recovery tractor in the French Army after being withdrawn as gun tanks in the late 1920s! The French Army of the early 1920s had a good few interesting types in service, with the Char 2C, MkV*, and FT-17. Anyone with the book handy can confirm what I remember above, I hope that I don't have any of it wrong. The Chars Francais website might be able to help too on this question.