I am searching for dimensional data for the following:
Forugon Mle 1887
This was perhaps the most numberous GS vehicle is use during the war, and remained in use with the French military long after. I would think an example may have survived somewhere in France, but I haven't located any in my visits there.
This is what I found on the French Mle 1897 wagon.� This is from "Reglement de Manoeuvre de L'Artillerie" published in 1931 (re-print from 1925).� Unfortunately I do not see dimensional information.� If you need a copy of the manual--it's yours.
I shall take advantage of your generous offer( message to you off-forum).� Actually the Mle1887 soldiered on right up to the 1940 campaign.�� It was an excellent design by the standards of it's day.� Fitted with spring suspension, ( when�during the period usually�only field ambulances were�)� this little wagon was far ahead of it's German or English conterparts.