I am starting an interest in The Great War and I have posted a few messages on the board. I mainly build modern and W.W.II , But since I have seen all the great models on this site I have bought a few kits. I am very impressed with the help I have received on my questions. I live in the USA and barely computer literate. Spelling is a problem too! This is without doubt the premier site for all things W.W. I.
Yes they are the friendliest & most helpful bunch I have discovered!
Welcome, when you have time I suggest mousing around the older topics. I have barely started this & have found plenty to think about, plus answers to a few long held puzzles.
Hello plastic fan, I'll add my welcome to elbavaro's.
Looking through the older topics on this forum does prove useful. Sadly, the forum's search engine is bonkers. Also, the original, main site that Peter built is a gold mine.
However, as much fun as delving is, don't hesitate to ask any question. Even the seemingly simple stuff often causes people to re-examine 'the facts'.
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.