I found this Russian thread through Google: http://fai.org.ru/index.php?s=aee496442de56380af38bcccbd2a298d&showtopic=201&st=0 There are a number of Russian armored car plans on it. I know very little Russian and I only understand one of them was a Russo-Balt made in 1910. However, this car has a round turret and I have never heard of it. It seems that two of the others were built on Jeffery-Quad chassis and their hull were similar to Jeffery-Poplavko but they had turrets. But I have no idea�about other two armored cars� which were built on the same chassis. Any ideas?
-- Edited by kkfj1 on Thursday 10th of June 2010 12:48:11 PM
The first one, I now for a fact, is a Russo-Balt made for the Wild Division (Either on the White or the Green side)�in the Caucasus for the Civil war, and the second, I think is a Poplavko-Jeffrey used by the Poles after the war, if it is anything that ever left paper.
Yes, the Greens, from what I was taught at school, were foreign nationalists from the empire, who wanted independence. They often switched sides to whomever benefitted them the most.
thank you! I only heard about Red and White, till now! I just finished reading Reizigers door de Grote Oorlog, about the Belgian armoured car battalion, active in Russia. The Belgians had to make their way back home through a chaotic and very dangerous revolutionary Russia. It's a nicely written story but alas, it's in Dutch. For picture fans: there are quite some photos but... mainly of personel or of 'sight seeing' character, pictures made by the soldiers themselves in cities etc. But it's an amazing story, how a few hundred Belgian soldiers managed to get home from the Galician front to Mongolia, by train, with supplies and armoured cars! The cars they had to leave behind at the end, no one knows for sure what happened with them. Some say they were 'de-activated' in a way they were useless, others think that the Russians could rebuild them. The last part of the journey home was a propaganda tour through the US.
Just checked that Russian forum thread with Google Translation; great fun!! It's about Russian alternative history, like some modellers make fictional German stuff calling it Panzerwaffe 46... In other words: those drawings were obviously some cunning photoshop jobs. On the Western Front, it would been something like a fight between the French FCM2C and the German A7VU or the K-Wagen. The members of this Russian forum do take it seriously and thoroughly; quite amusing indeed.
Just checked that Russian forum thread with Google Translation; great fun!! It's about Russian alternative history, like some modellers make fictional German stuff calling it Panzerwaffe 46... In other words: those drawings were obviously some cunning photoshop jobs. On the Western Front, it would been something like a fight between the French FCM2C and the German A7VU or the K-Wagen. The members of this Russian forum do take it seriously and thoroughly; quite amusing indeed.
Michel, yes!�You have reight!
This is a forum from "crazy dreamer" (alternative historic-men). What why...???? Many dreams for Great Russian Empire w�thout bolsheviks
Maybe new Russo-Balt-Izhorsky with turrel, or new Jeffery-Izhorsky and, and, and... This people have not others to do....