Looks great, Paul. I take it this is some sort of assault by Gurkhas in your usual 1/35 scale?
Before I bashed my finger I was trying to make some scenery. A street scene of houses, rubble, debris and bodies. I intend to display my tanks on it so I can take some nice pictures!
Still figuring out the dio,but on the figure painting side I have bought some "washes" from the Games Workshop and they are brilliant,highly recommended. If you want more info I will write again.
Thanks for the comments everyone, yes they are my preferred 1/35 scale and they are only conversions of some Tamiya figures I had from many years ago(recycle everything these days). Apart from the standing figure who is ex-Verlinden. The "raid" is loosely based on a French poster I saved whilst browsing and I do mean loosely At the moment I am still a "dyed in the wool" enamel and oils painter but may just try some acrylics� I've had a set of Vallejo's since Christmas and still not opened them !!!
�The finest stories of the Great War are those that will never be told.
No I'm afraid their putee's are made of simpler stuff strips of masking tape superglued in place, and when painted it gives them some texture. All head-dress is sculpted and one or two other details, the rest is a mix of plastic card/strip and some sprue. the kukhri's are from Dragon( via a donation from a guy on another forum) and the rifle is Ultracast I think, with lead foil strap. Paul
�The finest stories of the Great War are those that will never be told.
Thanks for the explanation Paul, a very clever solution for the puttees - but too fiddly for my favorite scale 1/72 I'm afraid. Anyway keep up the good work!