Many people say name wrongly "Matvel". But "Matvel" ("Matwell") it were usual section cars on chassis "White" trucks. Did factory in Jaroslavl (GARZ, ex-Lebedeff-Automobile Work, later JaAZ, today JaMZ) 1919-1924.
And it is the former English armored cars "Sheffield-Simplex" (no "Austin"!!!). They were very bad quality (are overloaded strongly) and on war have not gone. Them (not all) have altered in armour railvay-cars and 1916 have generated from them an Armored railway platoon. But they had not time to take part in WW1.
In Red army were as educational section cars later.
Here is one Sheffield-Simplex by civil service (cinema) 1925. Also GARZ-Matwell (chassis og White).
-- Edited by Ivan on Friday 20th of August 2010 04:30:19 PM
Information from: Frontline Illustration No 5, 2005. M.Kolomiets. "Domestic armored trolleys and motor armored waggons".
Armored Trolley "Matval"
Projecting and building of this railway car connected with name of Sevast'yan Sevast'yanovich Val'dner (1882-1945). He was called up to military service in 1915 in automobil company. He design coupled with commander Mattisson project of motor railway car from the parts of brocen cars. They took out the patent Project of railway car named as "system Matval" (MATtison-VALdner). After the October Revolution, in September 1919 Valdner built cargo trolley using the parts of automobile "White". His works took attantion of Armour section of Main military-engineer Administration and VChK. "Bureau of bilding motor trolley Matval" (Matvalbureau) with lidership of S.Valdner was formed. The chassis made by Putilov factory, armored hull - Izhorskiy factory. In february 1920 Izhorskiy factory made one armored trolley Matval with 37mm Hochkiss gun in rotating turret and 4 Maxim MG on sides/ Trolley was armored with 7-mm armour and had 8 persons crew. But tests shows that trolley too bulky, has slow speed and light springs. The work of crew was uncomfortable. Till end of 1920 four armored trolleys Matval were bilt on Sormovskiy factory in Nizhniy Novgorod. Armoured cars "Sheffield-Simplex" were used as the base for this trolleys. "Sheffield-Simplex" were bought in UK in 1915, but were found useless. When it were converted to Matval, it's hulls were knock down and sceleton replaced because it was made from wood! Besides aft axle was replased for "White" truck axle, added extra fuel tank, used railway whills 800mm diameter. Later the production of Matval was shifted to village Rodniki in Yaroslavl region. In accordance with report from March, 14, 1922 bilt: Armored - 1 Cargo - 3 Passenger - 13 Total - 17 Near the ready (90-100%) Armored - 2 Cargo - 2 Passenger - 4 Total - 8 Besides 4 "Sheffield-Simplex" - Total - 29.
Really were made 9 armored trolley Matval - 1 with gun, and 8 with machineguns. Gunned Matval was knock down in 1925, but machinegunned stays in servise till 1938 (one of them - till 1942 as training car).