This is mr. Rene Magritte, the famous Belgian painter. Post ww1, probably 1921. He served in the 8e Linie but was not much a soldier-like type. He was lucky, his commanding officers allowed him to paint and even commisioned him to paint their portraits. He avoided duty often pretending he had to see his doctor.. His ammo pouches seems to be empty, his 'casque' having a dented peak.
Another famous painter in uniform, this time ww1. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, one of the most famous German expressionist painters and a graphic artist as well. He served in the Mansfelder Feldartillerieregiment Nr.75, garrisoned at Halle an der Saale. He, a very sensitive gentleman, couldn't stand the drill, became ill and was treated for nervous problems, eventually got unfit for duty. The quality of the picture is poor but that's the original.