I have seen pictures of this armored car in many books, and I'm sure most of you have also.
However, in every single book I have, it is simply called a "French armored car". So I have never learned its true name or history!
It's a really neat looking vehicle. I'd love to see some better pictures of it if anyone has some!
This is a horrible scan, but for some reason when publishers decide to use "dot printing", its really hard to scan it with any sort of quality. But, it should be good enough for you to understand the vehicle I'm talking about.
BTW, when scanning from books and magazines, which always use a halftone, then depending on the scanner software you need to use the 'descreening' or 'anti-dither' settings.
A tip on scanning: if the pic comes out with too many "dots", you could try taking it through a graphics programme, and shrinking it to, say 65-75% of the original: most of the times this will get rid of the dots.
Yes, it is a French Renault Automitrailleuse. Quoting from BT Whites classic "Tanks and other Fighting Vehicles 1900-1918:
"The great Renault concern at Billancourt, near Paris, which was responsible for about one-fifth of all passenger cars built in France in 1914 was obviously an important unit in the French war effort. Among its earliest war productions was a preliminary order for 100 armoured cars. The earliest of these had improvised armour-'blindage de fortune'-built on the 18-h.p. Renault and other chassis without major modifications. By November 1914, however, a standard pattern was being delivered in which dual rear wheels were introduced. A truck-type armoured body was fitted mounting a machine-gun on a pivot and protected in some cars, but not all, by a large flat shield. The engine armour disguised the famous Renault dashboard radiator: there was an air intake at the front of the bonnet.
Louis Renault was infuriated by being told, after the first 100 armoured cars had been completed - with difficulty because of a shortage of armour plate to convert them to ambulances! Renault refused and it appears that the decision was altered and the conversions were not carried out.
Late in 1914 appeared the Renault which, in both Automitrailleuse and Autocanon forms, continued in use throughout the war. This car was recognizably a Renault because the front portion of the bonnet was made as low as possible and the armoured grilles of the dashboard radiator appeared behind it at the front of the crew compartment. The hull was open topped and the armament-either an air-cooled machine-gun or a 37-mm. gun-was mounted here. A gun shield was fitted in either case, although that for the machine-gun was rather more Vshaped.
The chassis with the 18-h.p. fourcylinder 95/160 engine was again used. This had semi-elliptic springs and detachable wooden-spoked, pneumatictyred wheels, dual at the rear.
France ended the war with only 39 Renault armoured cars left, so losses must have been heavy although it must also be said that armoured car production from the end of 191 5 onwards was concentrated on White imported chassis."
I have always known about this armored car, as it has been in -many- of my books, but I simply did not know anything about it.
Thank you for illuminating me!
It seems like it was a pretty well known armored car. In fact, I'm surprised no one has made a model kit of it yet! it is probably the single French armored car I see the most in pictures!