This vehicle has interested me for years, I have searched every were I could for any additional information, like a drawing, etc. But "alas" nothing, I dont even know what tracked tractor Mr. Lavavasseur was desinging his vehicle around. Here is all I have on the Levavasseur Machine "CANON AUTOPROPULSEUR"
The Levavasseur Machine
A project for a vehicle which had all the characteristics later thought desirable in a tank was put forward to the French War Ministry as early as 1903, Devised by a Captain Levavasseur of the 6th Artillery Battalion, who called it a "canon autopropulseur". the vehicle was envisaged as carring a 75 mm gun mounted in a box like steel cassion which ran on crawler tracks, or "roues articulees" as Levavsseur called them. It was to be powered by a 80 hp petrol engine, the Levavasseur machine would have had a crew of three, and stowage for ammunition, and cross country ability.
This "canon autopropulseur" was never built.Levavasseur could not find any support in the French War Ministry, But he did submit new improved detailed plans to the Artillery Technical Committee in February 1905, but they dismissed this idea as well. They reported that the "Canon Autopropulseur" usefulness appeared in question due to its limited mobility, and high risk of damage under fire.
Levavasseur modified his design in February 1908 to give better protection. He requested 14.000 francs to build a prototype, or 8.000 francs to build a prototype without and engine for demonstration purposes, But he was dismissed again.
Nothing else came from this design, The Artillery were no longer interested in a form of Armoured artillery tractors.
Any one with any more information please come forward