This St Chamond M1 is inside the "Bois de Baconnes". Photo from the end of April 1917. AS 31 Group was not used during 17 April 1917 attack on Moronvillers and send near Soissons. The first AS 31 fight was in Laffaux (5 May 1917)
This AS 31 tank is the number four from first Battery. (As de pique 4)
The 75 mm St Chamond was used by St Chamond n° 62401 to 62610. The 75 mm M97 for the other (n° 62611 to 62800).
The rear turret of this tank is a wrong wooden turret, only tested by this Group during Laffaux attack from May 17. It was a decoy turret never used after this fight.
There is some other photos of this group during this meeting for infantry's units.
I have pictures of Chantecoq, of the 2nd Battery of Groupement III, As de coeur, with the dummy cupola fitted. I take it that more than one St Chamond had this feature?
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
Starting to notice that some Whippet have two metal strips per end on the track... - ...thingys. Never seen a Whipppet with a tow cable on its side either.
like Marmite, Bovril, it's a matter of taste I guess... Marmite and Oxo, I do remember that stuff from childhood, for some obscure reason that seemed pretty well popular in the Flemish region of the low countries. Might be a British reminiscense of their presence in the war?