Having major computer disaster at home. Not sure if the problem's the computer, modem, roadworks or the ISP but can't get on line. Having to type this at the local library. Anyone trying to e-mail me, please be patient ... very patient!
Light at the end of the tunnel - perhaps. Finally my ISP (Tesco) decided it might be a good idea to talk to BT (three weeks in). BT engineer arrived to test the line (which we'd already got them to do) and found it was OK, which we knew. Then Tesco rang and promised to send us a broadband engineer, who should have come this afternoon (fingers crossed). Hopefully s/he'll sort it out and we'll be back soon. Once we've downloaded a month's worth of virus checker updates, of course...
If it's any consolation, Gwyn, when I changed ISP it all went haywire. They sent round a BT Engineer who checked the line and declared it to be working . . . which I already knew, obviously. I couldn't really see why they'd sent him in the first place. So then they said they'd have to send someone from another department of BT - Outreach or something. Waited in all day, and when he turned up it was the same bloke! He had no more idea why he'd been sent than I had. He tested the line . . and it was still working.
They then told me it was the modem. So I tried a spare modem and that didn't do the trick, either. So they sent me a new modem. Guess what? It didn't work. Then they said it must be "something" wrong with my PC and seemed to feel that there was nothing more they could do.
In the end I wrote a snotty letter to the MD. They rang me back and it was working by teatime. They also gave me a free month for the inconvenience.
If you're wondering, it was Pipex.
-- Edited by James H on Friday 10th of June 2011 05:44:15 PM
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
It's not just us, then. A mate of mine runs a bar/cafe in France, a bit out of the way but not in the middle of nowhere. He's not too far from Angoulême. He's been waiting for France Telecom to sort him out with broadband for . . .five years.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
Still not quite back. Broadband's working but now downloading updates. My eldest just back from uni so very high demand for broadband and Dad's at the end of the queue...
I've escaped real life!!!OK - still a glitch with e-mail but at least broadband's back - and Dad's at the front of the queue temporarily. Thanks to all contributors to this thread for their moral support!
Bloody computers... I once kicked my (work) one after Word just wouldn't behave and took on a mind of its own for the umpteenth time. It shut down immediately. So I went for a walk (I'm a ranger, and can do that sort of thing) and switched it back on an hour later: no more trouble. That showed the little b-st-rd.
In June, the UK is wet and chilly. Quel surprise...