I am by no means an expert of military uniforms. There are some very similar items such as the collar and sleeve insignia that relate to the German Army. I have blown the photo up as much as possible with out distorting it very much, but unfortunately it has yielded no more results or conclusions than I already had. The cut of the uniform especially the man fourth from the right suggests either Polish or Lithuanian. I am really curious about the ammo pouches that he has as well as the man to his right. They in no way (To me at least) resemble German. Also the camouflage does not resemble vehicles used by the Germans during the years proceeding World War One. Although the vehicle itself resembles a vehicle mentioned being used in the partisan operations in Upper Silesia. (Strassenpanzerwagen, 1919 unknown make, improvised on lorry chassis, two small cylindrical turrets and a retractable armored vision port.) So that is my guess. �
I am still baffled about the ammo pouches?????
P.S. Where did you find the photo???????
All the Best
Tim R.
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
The ammo pouches appear to be standard KuK .�� Note the man 5th from the right is wearing a KuK tunic and armed with a Roth-Styer.���Post war�Polish might be a good guess, Tim.
These might be candidates. Pilsudski Legion and 1st Lancers Eastern Corps. It explains the two types of tunic.
The giant asterisk camo is driving me mad. I'm sure I've seen it somewhere else.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
A similar camo was used by the Czech Army before 1938. But I don't know wether it was an AC or an Armoured Train?
btw: are you sure it isn't a mock up? The plates seem to me very thin ones. And please note that the open hatch at the side shows a part of the window (or door) behind (!!!) the AC.
The license plate of the motorcycle�does fit with the pattern of Austrian plates of the 1919-20 era, the uniforms look like Austrian Volkswehr or early Bundesheer. The 'A' stood for Vienna, the capital; a 'B' indicated Nieder-�sterreich (Lower Austria), and so on.
Thus, the best guess would be Austrian Volkswehr, Vienna, 1919.
-- Edited by mad zeppelin on Wednesday 1st of June 2011 06:38:50 PM
In the early years the Austrian Army wore uniforms very similar to the German Reichswehr (bear in mind that German-Austria wanted to get a part of Germany at that time!).
Look at the flap above the motorcycle: The pattern visible in the window above and behind the car seems to be visible there at well. This may indicate that something is missing still - or that there is an open door on the other side of the vehicle.
The AC has a license plate at well, front left, but it's unreadable.
I have figured it out, I knew I had seen this vehicle before.
Here is the information I found, I used my limited German to translate. Some one fluent please translate it correctly.
1926 Panzerkraftwagen-Nachbildung�
a/b.Eine andere Panzerkraftwagen-Nachbildung zeigte anstelle des bisherigen Turmes zwei diagonal versetzte MG-T�rme. In der Mitte ein Beobachtungsturm f�r den Kommandanten
a/b.Another tank motor vehicle reproduction showed two diagonally shifted mg towers in place of the past tower. In the center an observation tower for the commander
Man wollte weiters Erfahrungen sammeln, obi m Ernstfall Behelfspanzerwagen herstellbar w�ren, wenn anstelle der 5 mm Eisenblechbeplankung Panzerstahl treten w�rde. F�r diese Entwicklung war Oblt. D. Res. Dozent Dr. techn. Fritz Heigl verantwortlich. Ein technisch au�erordentlich begabter Mann, befa�te er sich mit den problemen des Gesch�tz- und Panzerbaues und erhielt bald den Ruf eines au�ergew�hnlichen Fachmannes.
c.Die letzte Panzerkraftwagen-Nachbildung auf 3 t Sub-Lastkraftwagen. entworfen vom Major a. D. Dr. techn. Fritz Heigl. Die Bilder zeigen das Fahrzeug mit einem Drehturm (Ohne Bewaffnung), mit geschlossenen und ge�ffneten Sichtklappen.
c.The last tank motor vehicle reproduction on 3 t Sub truck. sketched of the major A.D. Dr. technical Fritz Heigl. The pictures show the vehicle with a rotating turret (without armament), with closed and opened view flaps.
Information from: Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer des �sterreichischen Heeres 1896 bis heute. Walter J. Spielberger �Pages 344 and 346