Very rare kind of picture. Are you sure about 1916? The gun looks like a M.1914 model and is still carrying the protective shield which was removed soon after beginning of WWI from the K-Flak (still called BAK in this time). Maybe the date of publication /photo in Russian service (?) is 1916?
Did you compare this picture with other Russian pictures of the lost German K-Flak from 1914 (Lt. Adami)?
-- Edited by K-Flak on Monday 12th of September 2011 11:18:11 AM
Very rare kind of picture. Are you sure about 1916? The gun looks like a M.1914 model and is still carrying the protective shield which was removed soon after beginning of WWI from the K-Flak (still called BAK in this time). Maybe the date of publication /photo in Russian service (?) is 1916?
Did you compare this picture with other Russian pictures of the lost German K-Flak from 1914 (Lt. Adami)?
-- Edited by K-Flak on Monday 12th of September 2011 11:18:11 AM
The picturewaspublishedin a Russianjournalfrom mai 1916,withoutcomment.Uniform of theRussiansisclear from thetimeofWWI.All I know.I am surprisedalso thatthereisan oldEhrhardt.
Before the warthe Russians wanted tobuythese BAKsinGermany,butnot get asingle.Since 1914,they builtthemselvesBAKsonRusso-Baltique(4piece ofarmor, 4 withoud armor), and american Whitechassis. Project of Lender & Tarnowsky, Poutiloff-work.
It is known thatthe Russianshavecaptureda minimum 7 BAKs and2 of themhaverepairedin PetrogradatPoutiloff-work and put in service.
Besides these, I still haveseveral good picturesofa DaimlerwithRheinmetall(!!!)gun, incidentally, also with theshield.Thiswascapturedin 1915of 246infantryregiment of RIAinKopziewo(RussianPoland).Hehas Germannumber plateIC2277.Unfortunately Icannotshow the photospublic.
AboutK-Flakfrom Lt.AdamyI know nothing. Ifyoushowme the picturesdiscreet,I showmy picturesof 1915.
I have to correct me concerning Adami. He was Oberleutnant (not Leutnant) and Eastprussian therefore surely especially motivated for the fights in the East. He took part in ground combat (like several times before) to support infantry on 28 September 1914 near Kopziowo [spelling in source but means Kopziewo] in a very exposed way.
So, I wonder if your pictures are in fact pictures not of 1915 but of Oberleutnant Adami´s Kraftwagengeschütz captured in 1914 near Kopziewo. Btw his gun was the only German K-BAK (of a total of 6 at the beginning of the war, 5 in the west) on the Eastern front in 1914.
The enemy was very close [allegedly a Kosakenpatrouille (?)], took the car under fire. Adami and the driver were fatally hit and the gun rammed into a muddy trench near the street. It was not possible to recover the Flak because of the general retreat. One source claims the BAK was destroyed and only pieces fell into enemies hands but this is surely a propagandistic claim made in this source of 1943.
I have seen the afore mentioned pictures on a Russian website and downloaded them. However, I think it will last some time to search my 100s of Gigabytes today in the evening. So, be a bit patient. Maybe they are your pictures thought to be 1915. As well 246 infantry regiment rings a bell to me. Furthermore, I will check if I have information concerning the type of K-Flak used by Adami and his crew and e-mai you.
Find your information about the known number of captured BAK very interesting. Is there more known about the specific types captured?
My photosfromK-flakfromKopziewoareRGVIA(RussianState Military Archive).Which are dated1915,butareinthe archivedata, there are manyerrors.Itispossiblethat the imagesarefrom the1914thA total ofsiximages (three of whichI havein good quality andothers threein small format), allshowasK-Flakinintactwithoutdamage.Hestandsnext towoodhouseinthe villageguarded byRussianinfantrymen.Cossack isnotseen, andareinfantrymen of 246 infantryregiment of theRIA.It isalso writtenin the archive.Iguess theyhave loaded thesamepicturesfromthe Internet (Hmepage of my friend Michail Blinoff?), onlyin a small format. Severalcolleagueshave identifiedthe picture:DaimlerchassiswithRheinmetallgun(veryrarecombination).Evena picture of thevehicle wasshowninRussian magazine,butthereiswritten: Kruppgun (att). The magazin is of 1915!!!
Abouttwo captured K-Flaksisitdatain the archiveofPoulilofffactory(nowKirowskiplant),which wererepaired there.Andthetotal numberof7captured K-Flaks(possiblesomeofAustrians)I founda document from theRussianMinistry of WarofJuly 1917.Nomorepictures.
P.S. I still havegood pictures ofDaimler-Krupp "Max" and"Moritz",the Baltic Freikorpsof Bermondt-Awalow let 1919th in Riga. TheLatvianshaveput into service.
Sorry for bad english
-- Edited by Ivan on Tuesday 13th of September 2011 02:16:39 PM
Indeed, the pictures were very little and displayed the BAK ahead of fence and farmhouse.
As well Adami´s BAK was reportedly Rheinische Metallwaarenfabrik, type of car not mentioned in my sources. However, the Ehrhardt lorries were not so good as Daimler (according to German military reports) and the combination Rheinmetall gun put on Daimler car possible but extremly rare. I e-mail to you on the direct way.