I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about the color of the tanks at Gaza? I am doing a model of a Mk IV at the Third Battle of Gaza and was wondering what color to paint it. Thanks in advance for replies.
From what I understand the Gaza tanks were all painted Dark Khaki. I use Tamiya XF-52 Flat Earth for this color. I have read that some tanks had oil applied to the sides and sand thrown on it for camoflague but I cannot confirm that this ever happened.
By time the Gaza battles occured tanks were painted brown and it is doubtful if any other color was used. Since Gaza was a very arid area a lot of possiblities for weathering the model come into play. Fading, paint wear and overall grime and dust in every nook and cranny are things to consider. I hope this helps and if you need more information just contact me off line.