No. The tail was trialled on a Mk IV and a Mk V. A lot (120? 300?) were sent to France but not fitted.
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Thanks Adrianowro for raising your questions, because I've been wanting to ask some tadpole questions myself:
1. does anyone know what colour tadpoles were painted? I've been wondering from photos and what little I've so far read whether the MkIVs were grey and the MkV(s) khaki? An old thread which featured some 1960s Airfix magazine articles had an article in which the author opined that green or grey, maybe even brown (khaki) would be suitable.
2. anyone know more specifically than 'late 1917' when they first appeared?
3. anyone have any more photos? I've seen the factory pic, plus the other two on Landships 2, the familiar front and rear quarter views at Dollis Hill, plus the front quarter view of a MkV female that can be found in one of the threads. Also the pic of a MkIV tadpole top-tow tank with sledges, on the top tow thread, and the mailer.fsu front quarter pic of a MkV. I know there must be a photo extant of a MkV tadpole from the side, as this was used for the back half of a codged-together image of what a V* tadpole might look like.
4. was the top-tow tadpole the same tank pictured outside the factory (and on a slope, on Landships 2), after having a top tow box fitted? If not, does anyone else have a good idea how many conversions there were, as I suspect more than one MkIV. Was the top tow tadpole trialled towing sledges in England, or might this have been in France?
Thanks in advance for any help, which I hope will be of use also to Adrianowro.
Hi All, I can remember my great-grandfather telling me about the tanks at Hatfield when being tested and the colours and types there, and one was the Mk4 Tadpole, and that he watched this big grey thing coming past him and some of the other workers there. Hope this is of some help.
Hi All, I can remember my great-grandfather telling me about the tanks at Hatfield when being tested and the colours and types there, and one was the Mk4 Tadpole, and that he watched this big grey thing coming past him and some of the other workers there. Hope this is of some help.
Definitely of help, thank you. Your great-grandfather must have had a good innings to pass on such info; my grandfather served in the war, but lost two wives between the wars, married a third time but WW2 had begun, so he was in his early fifties when he became a father afterwards. He died several years before I was born.
Have just read that the Mk IV Tadpole was tested at Wembley Park. There is a photo of a huge stack of the tail units in France. It was also mentioned recently that Bov's Mk V was used to test the idea. I think I've seen a pic of that, somewhere.
Presumably, it must have trialled successfully in England, or they surely wouldn't have gone to the trouble of manufacturing several hundred and shipping them to France. Maybe it was tested more rigorously on the Mk V there, and found to be not up to it.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
I was about 7 when he died, he was in his early ninety's, was in the war with Herts yeomany at start, got wounded sent back home, spent rest of war doing bits here, thats where the tank bit comes in!. Spent rest of life up to retirement working with my great-grandmum at large house owned by the family of the late queen-mum!!