Gentelman, I have aquired a photo album of approx 125 photo postcards and live shots of the tank trials that were conducted in Panama in the early 1920's of the Mkv111(liberty) and the Renault. The army had built a tank park at Corazal and begain testing the capaabilities of these babies in the jungle!
This album is incredible and documents this rare time period as some have refered to as the birth of the modern american tank corps. Patton had walked away from the tanks after ww1 convinced that they were doomned, while Dwight Eisenhower actually commanded this special unit in Panama at Corozal in 1923.
I have not figured out how to watermark these images so I could post a few but I can tell you as one that has researched horse cavalry equipment from photo evidence these pictures are incredible.
I plan to auction the photo album on ebay at a future date but would gladly trade for a 2nd cavalry photo abum from France 1918-1923.