This came up on AFV News. No one can figure out what this thing is. I post here, because it could be some sort of really early German AFV.
It looks superficially similar to a number of the Grosstraktors, but the strange large angles the tracks run at is quite bizarre, and not featured so extensively on the finished Grosstraktors. The track angles are similar to the Grosstraktor I, but much more extreme.
Either this thing had some sort of fixed fighting compartment, or it did not have a turret installed when the photo was taken.
Well given that Stoss has something to do with shock I'd guess that its some kind of assault vehicle with a German flavour. A series of light tanks were developed at the German clandestine fcilities in the Soviet Union (Kazan) of which the Leicht TraKtor V 31 (3 prototypes) was one. Next to nothing is known about the v 31 and even less about the others I'd guess again that it might be one of these. If any one has any image enhancing software finding out what the lettering on the side says might help.
Looking at the numerous entries on Kazan on the Web I noticed a one liner that mentioned that two self propelled guns were tested there as well as the various tanks, no other details whatsoever. This is another possibility. Most of what wnt on ay Kazan has been kept a daerk secret. We know a little about the Light and heavy 'tractors' but there are tantalising hints of all sorts of other things. I've seen a reference to the Swedes using the facilities provided for the Germans. As Kazan was a joint Soviet/German effort and some of the forum members have far better Russian contacts than I does any body have a key to unlock the box?