Hoping to ID this particular tank by the partial numbers --62 to the right of the sponson. No clues on the reverse either, just a letter from a French soldier to his wife and daughter.
"Cher Francine et Claudine,
j'ai recu votre lettre du 20 avec le mandat de 10 dont je vous remercie . Je suis en bonne santé et toujours au repos ce qui me plait le plus.Je t'envoi la photo d'un Tank Anglaise, un de ceux qui ont marché avec nous dans la Somme. J'espere que ca t'interressera. Rien autre de neuf ci ce n'est que je suis cete (?) au Bon (battallion ) et que nous avons la fouragère.
Je vous embrasse tous deux bien des fois Pierre 12 BCA 1re Cie"
I agree with PDA that the numbers before the 6 can't be seen, but the first must be a 9 because this is a Mark V, so no other first digit is possible. If this is a Male then the second digit must be either a 0 or a 1. If there's a Female sponson on the other side then this is a Composite. If it's a Composite then it might have been converted from a Male or a Female, so the second digit must be a 0, 1, 2 or 3. I have a feeling that this is 9162 before it was converted to a Composite but I need to study the photo a bit more and I don't have time tonight. (9162 was hit and knocked out on 10 August 1918 with only one member of the crew surviving).
-- Edited by Gwyn Evans on Thursday 17th of January 2013 11:22:04 PM