Photo from Ecpa-D Fort d'Ivry (n° Spa 211 M 3817) done by Albert Moreau, at Cuiry-les-Chaudardes on April 24 th, 1917 (after fights, near Juvincourt from April 16 th).
The tank Commander from n° 61024 "Fée Kaputt" was the Adjudant Denoyers.
This Schneider, number two from 4th Battery (AsCa2), was also the Group Commander's tank during the attack : Cne Pardon.
It is a well-known photo used by all modelers to create first Schneider's models. . . . .
It was probably the only walk-around Schneider M1 photos, done in five photos on the same place.
and the two wooden pieces (on rear corners) are now copied on most model . . . .
There is four other photos from this Schneider M1 :
Spa 211 M 3816 - Spa 211 M 3818 - Spa 211 M 3820 - Spa 211 M 3821.
You can buy it, in very good quality in Fort d'Ivry (in paper or digital photo), and also found reproductions of these photos in IWM collection.
One of the best pictorial sources for this tank's combat use at Juvincourt is "The 1917 Spring Offensives" by Yves Buffetaut. It's an excellent, quality book in English, and photo filled with accurate narratives; all in 192 pages.