Hi Guy's, first thank you for helping out the Trucks. Now the guns. In Elverdinge and in St Elooi, nearby my hometown of Ypres, there are two old guns builty by Krupp. Via�passioncompassion, i know this as the "12 cm schwere Kanone 79". Now im not sure, because after a reaction from another guy, i think this is not right. The�12 cm schwere Kanone 79 have a barrel of 35 calibres. Wich means 42 cm long. I think this one is longer. Now is the question: from where start the barrel. And is this 100% the�12 cm schwere Kanone 79?
No --it is not the German 12cm schwere Kanone. The barrel of the gun on the monument display is much to long. Notice the photos and drawings of the German 12cm Kanone:
I got that picture not from your website! But from somewhere else without any name of it! If i take it from your website, i should not be stupid to ask what his name is!
-- Edited by Sniper Snoop on Thursday 7th of August 2014 12:34:09 AM
Sticking my nose in where it is not wanted but any photo/material posted here (as opposed to just URL/URI-linked or indicated here from the original source), except when it is your own, should quote the source (give attribution - web site and/or owner - or, if the source claims ownership, obtain permission and note that in the post) - in this case it seems one of Ralph's pictures has been used by another party (probably without his permission, he may own the image, I haven't looked), anyway he has a right to know where it came from. In any event it is common courtesy to at least give attribution (website found) etc. and that may assist others trying to answer your query (there may be other clues there).
Other sites are notorious for their unauthorised/pirate use of images and materials, some of it from Landships/Landships II, we would like to retain our own good reputation by way of distinction. Appreciate that obtaining identification of guns, etc., adds to knowledge and benefits everyone who previously did not share that knowledge but having the forethought to make attribution where due may promote good-will and assist the investigation as part of that pursuit of knowledge.
Just a "voluntary" standard and just my personal opinion but, trust me, would save untold heart-ache in times to come. I have seen other sites with high graphic content absolutely emasculated (big word, means having important and much-loved bits cut off) by take-down orders and court actions through over-enthusiastic members failing to follow the courtesies. Not to mention consequent wear and tear on moderators
The first link is a 12cm Kanone with a German Naval crew. The second link appears to be a different gun, but I am unsure what it is. Notice, however, because of the barrel length, the first link's gun is a different gun from the original post for this thread. The second link's gun looks a bit closer to the gun in the original post.