While I share your inquisitiveness in German tank designs of late WW1, I have been unable to locate very much information on these designs.(I have researched this subject for 10 years) One good thing though it show's that the Germans may had a slow start, but great minds were at work, even if it was a little to late. I am in the process of writing an article on the Orionwagen,with photos and drawings of both designs along with the subsequent use of its tracks on LKW's later in the war. I have a photo of the Bussing Raupenschlepper, but unfortunately I am unable to share it at the moment, at the request of the owner. Sorry!!! but rest assured, there is at least one picture. As far as the others, I have only been able to find photos of the Benz-Brauer halftracks, Lanz artillery tractors,and nothing but a name Steil-Schreitkufenwagen.
Good Luck on your quest, please keep us informed if you find any thing.
All the Best
Tim R
-- Edited by Tim R at 04:59, 2006-01-08
-- Edited by Tim R at 05:01, 2006-01-08
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
I remembered I found a photo I can share of the B�ssing-Raupen-Lastschlepper.
It is not a full on photo as such, it contains a few other vehicle's but in the middle of the photo you will find the front end's and front track systems of the Bussing.