okay so heres my project, its the Mk.V 9004, and obscure early tank that broke down and never got to fight in WWI, but was shipped off (after it was fixed) to Russia as part of the intervention forces, the reason I picked this project was that the tank had very unusual markings and that it was subject to a early twenties color profile
the only source I have for this is this photo: nota great photo but you can kind of see that it has cross and bones on the back, sides, and as the records show at the front as well, since its one of the earlier tanks its number is in yellow and not white!
The Model
pretty much a smooth build except for two things
A. hotchkiss or louis machinegun? in the photo the tank has no machineguns, anyone can help me on this one?
B. The back plate and the top dont fit, and I cant get them to, does any one have any good ideas how to fix that? heres a photo ideas on how to fix this are very helpful!!!
breifly on the kit, its a basically a mk.IV covnersion, with one new spruce I attached photos of the spruce for your viewing pleasure and you csn make your mind up on the quality of the kit
As a Mark V it will have Hotchkiss guns. And as for the fit at the rear of the hull roof, the two hatches are openable, so the fit doesn't have to be super tight. There's a noticeable join in the IWM's one in this photo
Your project is coming along nicely there mate! And I really like the wee bio you provided for her...nice. I have already {basically} finished building my whippet, all I need to do now is a few of the 'extras', and paint, then I'm done. So, I have also picked up an Emhar Mk. IV 'female' in 1/35th scale as a second entry in the Group Build, so I'll be building a similar tank to your fine entry.
Now, as to your fit issues...it already appears you have applied putty on the starboard side of the hull and backplate succesfully, so just repeat the process?
Now a question. Drader you said those were "openable" hatches, what were they used for? Loading? Entry/Exit?...?
To answer your question, you have a wee bit more time than our good eugene suggested... {silly bugger }
I did not originally place a timeframe on this Group Build because I was mainly afraid to scare people off...but since it has received decent participation I am open to suggestions from the participants themselves. My only input would be to keep it fairly short. This way there is both a comfortable sense of 'getting it done', and, it also allows those of us who enjoy the experience the opportunity to maybe begin another one once this one is finished...{I'm actually somewhat surprised noone has joined my softskin build}
Regarding the softskin groupbuild, I may be, start one after the Mk II completion. I am ok for a time limit, but, at least 4 month, and with this time , I am not sure to finish one project I am not so fast even if my best result is 8 days for a Modelkrak Russo-Balt. This is an exception.
On going : Obice da 305/17 su affusto de Stefano, Mark 1 female ...
Finished : Dennis 3 tons lorry, Jeffery Poplavko, Renault EG, Renault FT
Thx for the input. I was also thinking about something like about 3 months start-to-finish....and since this Group Build was originally started on Christmas Day, that would put us close to about a 1/3 of the way thru...so, how does March 31st sound as an 'End' date?............opinions everyone? This way there is a definitive date to shoot for {and you Braille scalers shouldn't have any problem with this}, and the door would be open for those of us who enjoyed building british tanks to maybe begin a new Build with sayyyyyy, equal time for the German armour fans out there to build something!
I couldn't agree with your points more. I genuinely feel that a 3 month timeframe is a good balance of time 'enough', as well as good timing for maintaining piqued interest and comfortable pacing.......so, unless someone else has any differing input, or feels they might need more time, I would like to establish the completion date as, March 31, 2006.
This will also give me time to finish my second entry, the Mark IV