Once again I am taking the opportunity to plumb the expertise here at Landships, by asking about scratchbuilding WWI vehicle tracks.
I know I may be taking the risk of conjuring up past headaches for some of you, but I was hoping for some suggestions... Compared to WWII tracks, the track profiles of WWI tracks are {for the most part} much more 'basic', consisting mainly of flat plates with rolled connecting edges, adorned by crowned rivet heads. So I was wondering how any of you fellas attacked this issue of scratching up a set of tracks?
PostScript: I'd also like to hear any suggestions on creating those 'grousers' seen on the British tanks....
I had a go at the Mark I Tracks years ago and made one piece and handcast some of them, which actually worked with brass connecting pins! All in 1:72. I'll dig them up and post pictures. Problem was the number of pieces needed, and I dumped the project.
I now have access to professional casting machines through Giesbers Models, and had already discussed with Jan whether the holes for the pins would come out right in casting. If so, mass production of a set of Mark I or IV tracks would be possible. We are however not 100% sure it will work as I want. The alternative would be connecting resin pieces with glue rather than rods, which would make them immobile but still looking better.
If there are enough takers I will look into this further. Anyone interested?
MANY thx for your response to my plea for help pard' Your input is quite valuable because you actually gave it a go and had some real hands-on experience with the challange that is called 'Track building'...I'm even more impressed that you tried it in Braille scale to boot! What I am interested in is 1/35th scale {since my old eyes are probably incapable of anything smaller } and am focusing on that scale for now. If I can think up a way to create a simple 'master', creating a ganged master mould would not be that difficult.......I don't suppose anyone can point me towards a nice close-up drawing of how the British marks and/or Whippet tracks interlocked in real life?.....?
There's a very good set of drawings in an old 'Tankette' of the track links and shoes for the Mark I to Mark V (I think, IIRC - no Whippet, though). I'll have a look later when I get home, if you want to email me it's: rogertodd1AThotmail.com (note the cunning anti-spam AT, which is, of course, @!).