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Post Info TOPIC: The A7V: Vive la différence.


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The A7V: Vive la différence.

You will be interested to learn that the article on the A7V on French Wikipedia explains carefully that the Polish Army received five A7Vs after the Great War. Or at least it did until a few minutes ago. It also explains that it is a direct translation of the German article. In fact, the German article does concede that if the Polish theory is true then the A7V was in service with the Polish Army for longer than with the German Army.

Btw, whatever happened to the possible A7V found in a river in Poland a couple of years ago?


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Posts: 820

A few internet articles mention the efort to fund the recovery, mentioning that it's probably the bare chassis of a tank used to tow artillery and that was discarded in the river in 1939. I'm not too sure of the exact location or the actual status of the recovery
Here's an article on Polish:,a7v-prawda-czy-mit,12174

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