I have seen a picture of FT17 on a train of MkIV/MkV's somewhere and recall someone mentioning that the FT17's were used in late 1918 by the British as some form of command/liaison tank. Does anyone know more about this, that could expand on the British FT17 use? Were they allocated down to company's? How many were allocated per battalion? Were they the Reconnaissance Officers tank? Which turret versions were used? Did they achieve the aim? And so on
I'm sorry. Our records show no such vehicle as an "FT17".
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
As I smack my head and say, Dolt! Yes, I should have just written Renault FT's. Your post of 23 May 2009 on the linked thread suggested they were used by the Tank Bn Comds. http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205245636
Though the caption at the IWM describes the tanks as "French (Renault FT-17) and British tanks delivered by rail to the Central Workshops of the Tank Corp for repair. Teneur, spring 1918." As does the caption to this image of the same tankshttp://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205245637
Thanks for the pointer to the old thread.
I wonder if anyone knows what the Tank Corps used them for.