It still haunts be from time to time! I can't get completly loose from this (and why should I?!)
This time I stumbled, "by accident", over the Tamiya 1:35 Mark IV Male Tank.
Like this the circle closes in and I'm back the scale I startet with armour building as a kid! In between I "had" to build 1:72 kits, because there was no WWI stuff available for me a long time.. Before I could get my hands on the 1:35 Emhar kits, there was only the (almost vintage) Airfix kit or the Emhar tanks availbale, since I was attracted by the WWI.
In between I was building 1:6 figures and diorama, mostly scratch with some "Sideshow -Bayonets & Barbed Wire" figures. By now it seems, that also in this scale the manufacturers increased? But at that´time I was "out of business" again.. I'd posted some threads also here, so I figure out my breaks due this forum.
It seems, I'm always a little late..the Tamiya kit seems to be from 2014/15? But who cares, I enjoy it to be back (with a lot of questions)!
Welcome back Oliver. There are now a great selection of tanks and figures in 1/35 scalebut sadly no softskins apart from 2 Ford model T's by ICM.
Fire away with your questions ?
The finest stories of the Great War are those that will never be told.