I've found an interesting picture so I'll post it here. I don't know what is it.. I would appreciate if someone could translate the text (I don't even know which language is it). This picture was under Patton's quote about "Moving fort and trench destroyer" (quote is already on this forum).
The text says something about exploring in South America. The tracks on this vehicle appear to be the same as those used on Japanese experimental radio controlled demolition vehicles during the 1930s, these were taken from a commercial tractor (not Japanese) but which one I don't know. I would suspect therefore that it is some kind of tracked precursor to todays Landcruisers and Land Rovers.
The language is Romanian. As far as I can make something out of it (some words sound like French or Spanish), it seems indeed to be some sort of commercial vehicle intended to cross rough land and water and "explore virgin lands(?) of South America".
A little more diging reveals that the track units are from a Fordson agricultural tractor of about 1930 I imagine that someone might have labeled this thing a landship.