It's been a very long time since I last posted anything here so I thought I'd share some pics of my latest project.
This one's been collecting dust for I don't know how long, the Roll Royce was one of my very first military masters and the kit has long been out of production so it's like building a piece of my own history!
Lock down bank holiday with no extensive DIY to do means the Rolls is ready for primer and paint!
Front wheel arch and sand channel stays are made from 0.3mm brass rod and then a quick check to make sure it sits flat on all 4... or should that be 6 wheels?
So as usual when I'm cracking on with something I completely forgot to take any photos so there's a bit of a jump forward.
You may have noticed that the headlights and their stands have gone, after the third time of knocking them off and completely losing one they're staying off until the very last thing!
A little more weathering, painting and fitting the headlights, some sort of base and I think we'll be there.
Looking very nice - the wheels are especially good at that scale.
Any prospect of the kit being re-issued at any point, would you think (even just the wheel etch & tyres would probably be good for backdating a Roden RR...)?
Looking very nice - the wheels are especially good at that scale.
Any prospect of the kit being re-issued at any point, would you think (even just the wheel etch & tyres would probably be good for backdating a Roden RR...)?
Thank you, that's very kind
Sadly the moulds are shot for this kit and as the Roden kit effectively killed demand for it remaking them wouldn't be viable. I had thought of doing a conversion kit to backdate Roden's 1920 pattern to a 1914 pattern but there are so many differences - turret height, cab vision ports, mud guards, radiator doors, light mountings, wheels etc. you'd only end up using Roden's basic body with a pretty pricey conversion kit by the time the etch was added so it never progressed.
Eduard, Part and a few others do PE wire wheel inserts for 1/72 aircraft so these could be a good source if you wanted to backdate a Roden kit.
Has anyone else noticed "new and improved" seems to mean it doesn't work as well as it used to?
So I've made a start on somewhere for the Rolls to live, nothing fancy just a small vignette to give it a bit of context. The base started life as 7.5 x 7.5cm box frame from Hobbycraft they have these on sale quite often and I picked up few £2.00 each!
The house corner is from Italeri's Walls and Ruins set 1, it's quite nicely detailed if a little soft in places but it's entirely hollow on the reverse side so needed filling. Here's where we are so far...
I've sharpened up some of the softer detail and added window frames or what's left of them. In scale the door opening was huge, I could have gone with double doors but liked the idea of an ornate door surround to reduce the size.
A rudimentary structure has been added to lift the floor to doorstep height and the floor and a door made to round it all off... on to primer and paint next.
It's getting there now that the majority of the painting's done.
I need to make a small section of upper floor and paint it along with the lower floor, add some rubble and general detritus, select and paint a figure and bring it all together... maybe I'm not as close as I thought!