Hey folks - I came across this pic of a Stridsvagn M21 armed with a 37mm SA18 on eBay, and can't think that it's ever been posted before. I've read that some M21s were armed this way, but have never seen photographic evidence. It appears to be the entire, original mount from an FT.
“[B]ut these tanks are machines, their caterpillars run on as endless as the war, they are annihilation, they roll without feeling into the craters, and climb up again without stopping..." -Erich Maria Remarque
I can't seem to find it again, elbavaro. IIRC, it was from one of those sellers that reprints photos from the public domain, so presumably it should pop up again, eventually. If I come across it I'll post the link here (provided it's ok to post eBay links on the forum).
“[B]ut these tanks are machines, their caterpillars run on as endless as the war, they are annihilation, they roll without feeling into the craters, and climb up again without stopping..." -Erich Maria Remarque
Digging around a little I found an interesting tidbit from the SPHF (Swedish Armour Historical Society) website:
"The 37 mm Puteaux gun from the Renault FT tank was mounted in a Strv m/21 (tank number 5) and this tank was then used by the platoon commander."
So, presumably the photo shows tank 5. That info came from this article: https://www.sphf.se/svenskt-pansar/fordon/stridsvagn-2/en_renault-ft-tank/
Also, the caption to the photo reads (iirc): "A tank with masking" [probably meaning camouflage, referring to the branches].
“[B]ut these tanks are machines, their caterpillars run on as endless as the war, they are annihilation, they roll without feeling into the craters, and climb up again without stopping..." -Erich Maria Remarque
elbavaro, I found it! https://www.ebay.com/itm/174033697863?hash=item2885377c47:g:aV4AAOSw8xxcwM-i
Hope that helps.
Neither here nor there, but the same seller has a surprisingly nice pic of a CV/L3 tankette in Iraqi service, one of only two I've ever seen. No connection to the seller, just thought it was neat!
“[B]ut these tanks are machines, their caterpillars run on as endless as the war, they are annihilation, they roll without feeling into the craters, and climb up again without stopping..." -Erich Maria Remarque