Does anyone have an idea of how to find a German dictionary that would translate the technical language for the various parts of the German 10.5 cm leichte feldhaubitze. I have parts drawings from the Waffen Revue and some specifications from Alfred Muther's 1925 book that I would like to translate into English.
In manufacturing the crank handle and breech block loading mechanism in our restoration work I find that using a couple of free translation programs on the Internet many words are translated weirdly or not at all. eg Spannschlo? ? Rückholer ? Verschlu?keil ? Abzugstück = a piece of deduction
I have attached an image of one of the parts list images to show what I mean.
Try "Franckhs Militärwörterbücher für Wehrmacht und Wehrtechnik", Volume I, Englisch/Deutsch und Deutsch/Englisch, Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, 1937. Available through ZVAB for 18 Euro plus forwarding expenses.
Hello Robin! Your problem is a general one as many part's denomination have changed in German nomenclature throughout the decades. Being a former german artillery-officer, I'll try do the translation to all my possibilities. Please give me 6 h.
Best regards from Wuppertal
The trick is done:
The most used german artillery-piece, the M109 A3 has a very similar Rheinmetall- Breech Assy. It is referred to as "Sliding Wedge Type" with re-cocking device i.e. you don't have to open the breech for re-cocking purpose which might be dangerous if a so-called "slow-burner" is in the combustion chamber (Wet powder or damp black powder booster charge) . When opening the breech on that occasion, the fresh air will ignite the propellant and the full 6500 bar/94300 psi will "float" the fighting compartment. We had this accident in 1977 in my battery causing 2 casualties (Gunners 1 & 2 ripped in several parts) and 4 badly injured by burns and broken bones by equipment being blown around. If you need more support, give me a word,
Please have a look at my edited entry with the translation as attachment.
Concerning the saying, your translator should read:
"A nation not carrying arms will carry chains!"
Carl von Clausewitz(1780-1831) wrote the famous tactics book "On War" which will be found still today throughout all military libraries from the FRUNSE-Academy to WEST POINT.
I believe his quotation is more valid than ever on the more as Germany has imposed a very severe weapon legislation that is ruining the civil arms branch thoroughly. As a trained gunmaker I dare say: these laws suck!!!!!!!!
Best regards,
-- Edited by Pody at 15:09, 2006-10-18
"Ein Volk, das keine Waffen traegt,
wird Ketten tragen!"
(Carl von Clausewitz)
Ah ah. Yes my translator actually wrote. "A people not carrying arms will carry chains". I thought the "people" word might have been meant as a "person" But now it makes sense people = nation.
Pody- I am reading Clauswitz (again) this month. The most frustrating aspect of the books is it's absolute lack of continuity; Eash chapter reads independently of the former; not unlike a drunk slurs from one subject to another . I believe his widow likely assembled his papers in book form without professional consultation. None the less, his words stir one's perception of strategical warfare. On the subject , have you read any of Moltke the Elder's staff rides?
Regarding the anti-gun movement in your homeland, may I say America was warned of such a thing by a founding father when more than 200 years ago he said regarding private ownership of firearms:
". A government that does not trust it's people can not be trusted... " (Thomas Jefferson)
I can read you 5 by 5 the very line you are posting.
Regretfully, I can't help with Frau von Clausewitz's impediments. Herr von Clausewitz's statements reveal through his plain statements: "democracy is relevated by soldiers absent of entirety" "A soldier cannot understand democracy dedicated by kings" "My plain understanding knows the only: "More democracy means more deficiencies:"
"Detail is retail, no funds.
Best regards from Wuppertal, West Germany
"Ein Volk, das keine Waffen traegt,
wird Ketten tragen!"
(Carl von Clausewitz)
Thanks Pody, this time no problems it came through fine and makes sense. I think that I might now have a better idea how the crank assy can be manufactured and made to work.