Ever wondered how exactly a British Trench Latrine was arranged? Or know the difference between a Dog-Leg and a T-Head? Well, help is now at hand: a new article has been posted in the Fortifications Section, where you can find a collection of wartime plans of WW1 Trenches, for now only British & some German, but French and american will soon follow.
Check it out at: http://www.landships.freeservers.com/new_pages/trench_schematics.htm
You might want to add the enclosed diagrams. All produced by US engineers working on the Ypres sector. One of the trench cross sections is interesting in that in includes a tank trap. All of these are of things actually built.
PS did you get my e mail on wwi electronic warfare?
Great plans! I haven't seen them before! I will of course post them.
Regarding that e-mail: please re-send. I am in the process of switching Mail client (from Eudora to Mozilla Thunderbird). It could have get lost there in the confusion - sorry again.
I have only some information (in German) about the siege of Odrin in 1912-13 taken from the book where I found the picture posted this morning, if you contact me privately I can send you what I have (that is very little).
And yet more British official layouts. Some I think are alternative versions of some Peter as already put up but some are all new - I'll let Peter sort out what he wants