Due to my bizarre interest in the tank corps of WW1 my dear wife bought me the Emhar mark IV model for Christmas - Oh how she laughed! Undetered I set about building it. As the last time I did a model was 30 years ago its probably not great. However, I'm pleased with it - or at least I was until I came to fit the tracks! Unfortunately, one is missing!
Now, it could have got lost when I was drunk on Christmas Day or it may not have been in the box in the first place. Still, it ain't there. Well I thought; I want to do the job properly anyway, so I'll get the Matador spudded tracks and do it that way. Wrong again! When they arrived they were 1:76 scale, although their website doesn't make this obvious to idiots. As a result i have the following questions:
1. Do Matador do a 1:35 scale version of the spudded tracks?
2. Does anybody know where Emhar live, so I can try to get one from them?
Ian:Where are you located?� I'm in the US and have an extra set of the kit rubber band tracks I'd be happy swap for something interesting that would fit in an envelope.� Let me know at gormanao AT hotmail.comAndrew�
Ian, losing those Emhar "rubber band" tracks was a blessing in disguise! �PanzerShop makes a 1/35 scale resin "link and length" set of 20.5" tracks and spuds which will look much nicer on�your model. Their mail order service is excellent.
That's excelent news and just what I was hoping to hear!� I'll get into the website straight away.
Thanks for your kind offer but as I'm in the UK and there is now the possibility of getting something with spuds on I'll go down that avenue.� However, I do appreciate the offer.
Accurate Armor makes very nice 20'5" resin tracks too. It could be a good choise if you want some internal details.�AA details both sides�and Panzershop only the exterior;