I am building a few AH armoured cars and wondering what color they should be? I suspect a grey of some sorts. I am also currious if they may have repainted the captured armoured cars they used.
Very interesting! Please let us follow the process!
Paint? Well, I try with a dark green, or possibly a nut brown. Those can be seen on surviving AH guns - doesn't mean that their A/C's were painted that way, though. But probably.
A lot would depend on when in the war they were painted. Towards the end the KuK was increasingly painting stuff in grey rather than any other colour. This was purely because of shortages and the fact that there lots of grey paints available. Making grey paint didn't require any scarce pigments etc. Different shade of grey can actually be quite efective at breaking up the outline of an object. This moving to grey process can be seen in the development of KuK aircraft colours but I understand that it applied fairly generally. So if painted in the early or mid war period a car might well be brown and/or green and would stay that way unless it needed repainting in which case it might turn grey overnight.
Although I heard this for the first time, it sems to be a very good theory, that the KuK was painting stuff in grey rather than any other colour towards the end of the war. Austro-Hungaria had to deal with enormeous shortages anywhere. Are there paintings/pictures to sustain this theory? The only colour reference I know is the painting of "Barbara" on the back cover of the book "Skoda Heavy Guns" by Prasil.
And for huhncc: May be, you know that links aleady?
The situation as it applied to the aircraft industry is documented in a number of articles in various copies of the magazine Windsock. I've seen a reference to the general graying tendency in the KuK forces in something on the KuK navy bemoaning the general esatz nature of almost everything (including paints) but I'd have to dig to find it again. Unfortunately colour material on anything KuK is very rare. Until a few years ago totally erroneous info on the KuK aircraft colours was in circulation. This was partly based on some museum material (that subsequently proved to have suffered chemical changes over the years so that greys became a sort of faded yellow brown) and a 'world renowned' collection of genuine fabric samples that subsequently proved to have been largely fakes made by the owner of the collection. This shows how difficult it can be to determine the colour of almost anything after a pasage of more than 80 or 90 years.
I attach a photo of a preserved KuK military tractor. I'm always wary of taking colours from museum exhibits given the tendency for these to have been repainted and generally mucked about with to make 'better' exibits (like adding wheels to a Mk II tank!). However for what its worth this might represent the KuK grey. Its not too far away from some of the aircraft colours. Its a bluey grey not too far from the old Royal Artillery grey (known as "the colour")
I know it is not even close to the level of excellent model builders that frequent this site but it is for gaming! At least that is my excuse. It is carved from wood with bits from my scrap 15mm bin. It will go nicely with my AH captured Lancia and�Austin series one.
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"Links given by Peter don't work now. Does anyone have these pictures?"
Hi Albert dont know if the relevant pics are still available but the main site appears to be preserved on the internet archive wayback machine here......