I am currently building a 1/35 Austin-Kegerese (armo kit) and I am looking for any information out there, I have plans, and some photos, and even some text but there is just not much out there, I am planning on doing the Kegerese that was captured by the Poles and has a lot of writting on it, so if there is any info on that car specifically that would be nice.
you saved me, I had the book in e-form but for some reason the jpg files wouldnt open anymore so i lost the book (the real thing is always better than the virtual stuff)
First Austin-Kégresse be maked 1916 on chassis oh british Austin Mk II (2nd series). Anno 1918/19 be maked 12 others Austin-Kégresse on chassis of "Russian Austin" by Poutiloff Work in Petrograd (St. Petersurg).
one of the plans is written in older russian, is it a scan of the original plans from that era?
thank you very much for the plans, I have seen the picture of the 1916 kegresse, but the plans are new.
The plans of "Russian Austin - Kčgresse" scaned from original old plans of Poutiloff work. 1917. The photo is first british Austin Series Ii with Kégresse caterpillars, prototype.
Here are the plans of all Austin armouder cars, british and russian.