...so goes the headline in Tit-Bits from March 28, 1931...
"Hard by the British Museum there is a war relic which has always looked especially out of place.� It is a tank, and is, as it seems, permanently embedded in the roadway, like some hideous monster - and, indeed, it is necessarily that.� But this tank's days are numbered, for it is to be removed to make way for University buildings.� This grim relic of war junk has been sold as "scrap" for �41, and there can be no regret at the decision."
The article continues at length, extolling the case for removing 'eyesores' and 'unnecessary mementoes' from the Great War.
Who has further information on Bloomsbury's "grim relic"?
The second photo has already apeared on this forum quite some time ago so I can take no credit for finding it. As a small boy in the early 50s I�sometimes rode in the rear of one of these MGs which belonged to friends of my Fathers - they even had a similar dog that liked to ride in the folds of the hood!