Here's some photos of the British Ford model T ambulance as seen at Kelmarsh
Wheel being changed on a 1916 or earlier example by members of the Scottish Women's Hospital on the Balkan Front
Although photos of Ford model T's in British service on the Western Front are fairly rare, here's a nice shot of an ambulance in use in the middle east, from the Australian War Memorial website
Hi: I did a lot of research before I scratch built my Ford model t ambulance. A great site with tons of pictures and information is If you look in the gallery Click on my link to Photobucket. I hope you can use the information on that site. It is a great history of these brave young volenteers. Chris Anderson "Tous pour la France et tout." /chriswanderson/afs11.jpg[/IMG]
I have the model and decided not to start a new thread.
I bought the version without a crew and I assume the museum painting scheme is accurate. Trouble is, I was hoping to find a figure to actually drive the thing, so I can show it going toward the front lines.
It's a pity that the second version of this kit isn't UK-appropriate either. It's just an earlier version of the same.
Thanks for the heads up. Since I discovered that there is a Resicast figure of a British Model T driver but not an American one, I decided to put my project aside. Maybe an American one will come up later on.