"Sometimes things that are not true are included in Wikipedia. While at first glance that may appear like a very great problem for Wikipedia, in reality is it not. In fact, it's a good thing." - Wikipedia.
Thats real nice my work and someone else taking credit, not the first time....
Actually, it's even worse than that Tim - David (avatar "Or, a bendlet sable, sinister a dingo erased, sa") omits the referencesReferences
Treat Em Rough by Patton Papers, Memories of the Great War. 1919 (1-4) Holt Digest, Volume 3, Volume 8, 1917-1918 respectfully. Rockenbach Papers. Volume 5 Great War 1921 § Pliny E. Holt, Memoirs of a Pioneer 1930 Military Might of the Industrial Nation, 1916-1921 By Langford Stevenson 1923. Special Thanks are extended to Roger Todd for the drawings of the 200 ton Trench Destroyer and 150 ton Field Monitor ... including your acknowledgement of Roger Todd.
[Whacking myself into a more positive POV] - Bob's 'find' of that Dec 1916 Popular Science Monthly contains all sorts of other fascinating bits and pieces, including P 824 "The Fighting Weapons of Seven Warring Powers" with an odd miss-match of characteristics and debatable comparisons - thinking specifically of the lead assertion "The German Mauser can fire faster than any other rifle used in the war." In any event it would be a fine period-piece to introduce to any treatment of the 'individual weapons' of WW1 however copyright is asserted and it shouldn't be filched without permission. I do have a fairly fine definition copy of it though (8.78x13.10"@96x96 dpi) for personal use.
-- Edited by Rectalgia on Saturday 8th of May 2010 07:37:04 AM