I have some nice Ceasar german infantry and looking forward, if I still can , to painting them , I would like to depict a stormtroop attack in early 1918 against two machine gun positions( Hat british heavy weapons set) and I am wondering how to place the figures, i.e do I put grenade throwers at the front followed by runners??, do my throwers have to be supported br riflemen?, just how do I place my figures??.
Many books have been published about this. You can find quite a lot of information here: http://www.google.com/search?q=stormtrooper&hl=de&tbo=1&tbs=bks:1,bkv:p&ei=xClqTZLwN8TXsgbY-4nsDA&start=20&sa=N#q=stormtrooper&hl=de&tbo=1&tbs=bks:1,bkv:p&ei=DCpqTZauNMXtsga3s_DjDA&start=0&sa=N&fp=6e03f1418c66d4b9
So far for the theory. In actual battle, things would quickly change, so using common sense I'd say you are quite free to place the figures as you like. Regards, Pat
I agree with Pat...in the heat of battle, noise, smoke etc the best trained soldiers operating to a plan would end up mixed...individual plans.ie; one throws a grenade as others give cover fire would carry on... I think youŽd be ok putting them as you please.