Might be stretching the definition of Landships a little to include the 1902s tankettes.
The 1/35 cardmodel of the Carden-Loyd Mark VIA tankette is available for download from Zio Prudenzio's website (http://www.zioprudenzio.it/fok-milveh.html) as donationware. Zio's models have been unavailable for many years and he has only recently released them again.
A question was raised on another forum about the unit markings on the tankette model, whether they were accurate and which unit they signified - fortunately I don't have to fiddle about with the cardmodel - an illustrator has used the same markings on his C-L drawings (http://ww2drawings.jexiste.fr/Files/1-Vehicles/Allies/3-UK/07-Others/Tankettes/Carden-LoydMk6.htm). [Borrowed a couple of images so people don't have to link off to the drawing site]