Until today I thought that Bulgarians had no armoured cars in WWI, but then here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austin_Armoured_Car I found this sentence "At least one car (see photo) was captured at the Dobruja Front at 17 November 1916 by the Bulgarian Army" (by the way I can't see the photo there...). And later on our forum I found this photo: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5602/grinnols.9c/0_4e1fd_302afa09_XL and explanation by Ivan: "Skobeleff" is Austin 2nd Series, captured 1916 by Bulgarian solders in Romanian front (on the phpto Russian oficer and Bulgarian engineer)."
Now some questions :
1. Is this one and only or two different armoured cars mentioned in quotations above? I guess both refer to one vehicle.
2. Was it used in battle? If yes - where and when?
3. Are any other known photos and information about this vehicle?
4. Were there more armoured cars captured by Bulgarians?
5. Did Bulgarians produce armoured cars? I guess they didn't.
1)Only onearmoredBulgarianscaptured Austin 2nd -"Skobeleff", he servedin theirarmyto the mid30s.
2)The Bulgariansin battleit is notused.
3) Yes,Ihavea lot of pictures,evenin 1930,butto showthemI have no right(other friends sent mefrom Bulgaria).
4)Seepoint 1.
5)Bulgarians arenotproducedarmored cars.
Thanks a lot Ivan, I knew I could count on you
By the way I love your book "Automobiles of Russian Imperial Army" (which contains a chapter on armoured cars) though I wish there was a version in English