It is my impression that patents were (and are) frequently filed in several jurisdictions and extend to yet others by international treaties. I suspect it might take an expert in patent law and in patent search to answer whether or not use of a particular patented device still requires license from the patent holder or assignee in any or all jurisdictions and who holds the license or the power to grant license if that has not expired in some jurisdiction. Those are commercial considerations and a step removed from the usual patent query.
I looked (briefly) at the World Intellectual Property Organization, and their FAQ page - - without learning anything along those lines of inqury but they seem to have the (free) resources to allow you to explore the question some more. They seem mostly to support the search for evidence of "prior art", the absence of which may satisfy the "proof" of the originality of a new invention and so allow registration of a new patent - and to assist progression of such registration - none of which is helpful to you but there could be more there.
Maybe it's not really that hard and I simply haven't looked in the right places but that's how it seems to me right now.
-- Edited by Rectalgia on Wednesday 17th of October 2012 08:02:44 AM
Hey, people, I come in peace. To a weapon forum, topic
So, I was searching for the current state of the patent of the Mondragón rifle. While the patent dates back to 1907, I don't have the slightest idea how it works currently. Like books, maybe? Manuel Mondragón died 90 years ago....that means his rifle is patent free currently? Or maybe not?
Apparently, Manuel tried to sell the patent to an USA company. He couldn't. Somewhere in the future, countries participating in WWI tried tu buy the permission to create them. They could, and they build it, but I think this is not the patent process.
So, in whose hands is the patent of Mondragón's rifle?
See also french patents because Colonel Mondragon was in very close partnership with french works: Saint-Chamond for the guns of Mondragon's inventions and with the two brothers Clair, gunsmiths in Saint-Etienne who worked with Colonel Mondragon on the studies of Mondragon rifle.Mondragon had choosed afterwards Swiss manufacture because his rifle is quite complex to build. Yours sincerely, Guy François.